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The Lion King Muck Art


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- Msondo and I, posing in the shape of a heart. :) (Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, I had to capture it with a video camera ;) Same with a few others (mostly on this page).
-Msondo and I. I'm greeting him with a kiss like I do every morning. :)
-Kimya dragging Msondo around the nursery. ;) "I want this one!", we were playing around. :) That young meerkat is Mwimba, she woke up and didn't know what was going on. ;)
- Msondo, Balana and I, very sad. We thought Nyanya had died! But still we stuck together.
-One day, I almost fell off Pride Rock, and now I'm afraid of heights. On this picture Msondo is helping me try to climb a tree so I wouldn't be scared of heights anymore...
- Msondo and I, holding hands (or paws!). We love to walk around, and go visit our friends. :)
- Hey! :) Msondo falling asleep in front of the computer. ;)
- This is me, standing at the entrance of the nursery. I know we don't have signs in the jungle, but hey... ;)
- Msondo and I... when we thought Nyanya had died.
- This is me, looking at the kits and Msondo play in the nursery. :)

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