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The Lion King Muck Art Pages <Previous - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Next>> - Kimya and Msondo, Mson is giving her a kiss. *Mwack!!* =) - Starting with some old sketches. This is a sketch I doubt anybody has seen until now. It's Kimya and Msondo, hugging each other. I discarded this drawing because Kim is too small in this pic, but maybe you'd like to take a look, she looks happy. :). - This is a little drawing of Kimya I drew in a boring class. ;) She's laying on the ground, smelling the flower Msondo gave to her to ask her as his mate. :) -Msondo, thoughtful. Yeah, no more comments. ;) - A pic of Balana and her grandfather, Siombe, lying under the sun. (lazyyy! ;) - A portrait of the whole group of friends! :) From left to right, the lions are Simbayo, Balana, Mtunga, Nyanya and then going down is Flaje, the spider, and the meerkats are Asyah, (the kit), Msondo and I. :) - Once, Nyanya lost his memory and he didn't want to see Balana. Bal was very hurt, and he gave Nyanya a flower he had given her, to try to make him get his memory back. Here you have Balana, Nyanya, Msondo and Kimya in that moment. - Aaah!! Msondo singing! It's not that he sings really bad, it's just that he's too loud! er... I think Nyanya, Balana and Kim's looks say it all. ;) - A family portrait, where our kits were little. :) From left to right, the kits are Asyah (a bit older :), Matani (when she was a kit she was obssessed with berries ;) and the three boys, Timka, Busa and Nyamavu. - From left to right, Simbayo, Balana, Mtunga and Nyanya. Balana felt forced to choose between her mate, Simbayo, or Nyanya. So she chose noone. The little mudball... er, I mean kat, is Msondo, who had been playing earlier throwing mud to her mate, and he left pawprints on the lions afterwards. ;) <<Previous - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Next>> Back to the nursery page
The Lion King Muck Art
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- Kimya and Msondo, Mson is giving her a kiss. *Mwack!!* =)
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